2 min readMar 4, 2021


Lake waves crashing, photo by author

RuWa GeDe

Rushing Waters Gentle Depths

A state of being or a way of life. A mindset and an intersection of action and surroundings.

On the Surface.

Sometimes we push quickly, parting choppy waters. Our direction caused or maybe just slightly influenced by our efforts. Other times traveling fast as the current pulls us along. We expend our energy staying afloat and facing forward. Moving fast, but deliberate and precise midst a dashing of chaos and action.

The depths.

A continuation of the practice of creating what we need. Somewhere hidden, but also shared. A gentle calm for us to nurture our flame. A well of energy slowly flowing with and to the surface. A place to witness or to rest. We relax and feel the pressure of the water surround and hold us. We barely move, yet know the life that exists around us.

We embody these two states simultaneously. The dissonance, an exchange, and the ongoing entropy of equilibrium. A balance.

Language and the practice of communication. Evolving as we do. Combining words, shortening ideas and making concepts and experiences into new words. Parts of our language rush and change. Our culture or collective knowing we need something more, something else to really describe how we feel or think. We try to identify or clarify that which is blowing with the winds or storming from around the world. Parts of our language remains still thru the years and weathers the changing humanity. The foundation and basis to build the new upon. Occasionally being dismantled as needed or forgotten with the crush of homogeneity and conformity.

May we create the words and language we need to grow. May we use this language to be clear in our thoughts and intentions. May we draw from the depths the stability we need to flow with the changing surface. The thoughts, previously unknown, coalesce into the concepts and ideas to take us into the future. So I practice creating and embrace my own ruwa gede.

For you. For us. With self and with the universe.

